  • 360 view

TrueTooth – Molar

Tooth numbers: 1, 2, 3, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 30, 31, 32

3D printed radio-opaque teeth are true anatomic reproductions of extracted teeth.


(Sold in Pack of 5)

Tooth Number:

Instructions For Use

TrueTooth 3D printed teeth are the exact reproduction of internal and external anatomy of extracted teeth.  TrueTooth teeth are created with special heat-resistant polymer, and proudly 3D printed in the USA.  Special handling is necessary to realize the maximum benefits of using TrueTooth.


  • Use handpieces at 1,000 RPM with no torque limit.
  • Ultrasonics are not ideal, but work best when used wet.


  • Negotiate as normal using a lubricant.


  • Use handpieces at normal RPM and torque settings.


  • Irrigate as normal using NaOCl in a syringe with a side-vent needle. TrueTooth canal tissue will dissolve after 40 minutes of irrigation, similar to vital teeth.


  • Continuous Wave or other heated obturation techniques: use heat pluggers at 175 degrees Celsius.
  • Carrier-based obturation: obturate as normal.


  • Use the shortest exposure time and the lowest KVP. After radiographing, lighten and sharpen image on screen for optimum viewing.

Helpful Tip:

  • Use alcohol on outer surface of TrueTooth during procedure for optimum visibility. Alcohol can be used in place of NaOCl.


TTCatalog 5-5-22

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