
PlanB is the next step in a constant search for endodontic excellence. Those who are interested in improving patient care through technique improvements and technology advancements must welcome a willingness to do something different—to embrace a PlanB.

As the world changes at an accelerated rate, having a PlanB is fundamental to keeping pace.

Innovation in endodontic industry

Each of our products utilize a global panel of every-day practicing clinicians, university-based researchers, and CE leaders for input and direction. After all, the best dental products are not created in the lab, they are created at the chair. Our goal is to develop products that blend clinical efficacy, economic benefits, and patient friendliness. 

Preserve Dentin

PlanB Dental stands foursquare for the preservation of tooth structure during RCT because minimizing loss of structural integrity is the only way to ensure endodontically-treated teeth outlive their owners. As such, PlanB Dentals’ miniKUT files cut the smallest preparations in the industry, while our PS System cleans canals with 15-.03 shapes through an access cavity that is less than 1.0 mm in diameter – all in no more than 15 minutes.

Challenge the Status Quo

These days we have two choices: either we use corrosive paste in multi-visit RCT, or we incur huge capital costs to adequately clean canals during single visit RCT. We believe the disinfection and irrigation step in RCT is ripe for transformation; in other words, your PlanB. 

Join us for the next revolution in Endodontics!

Dr. L. Stephen Buchanan

Founder Emeritus

Hi, Steve Buchanan here. 

I have been fortunate enough during my four decade career in Endodontics to have been involved in the development of rotary negotiation instruments, single-file rotary shaping instruments, and the Continuous Wave of Condensation obturation method with SystemB electric heat pluggers. As difficult as these advances were, cleaning root canal systems has always been the most challenging leg of the endodontic triad, and it remains the final frontier in conventional endodontics to this day. 

Sadly, the consolidation of specialized endodontic companies into big corporations has left clinicians doing RCT with one of three inadequate choices: irrigate canals for 40 minutes after preparation is completed, use caustic CaOH paste in multiple-visit RCT, or incur huge capital costs for high-tech consoles to clean canals well enough to bring single-visit endodontics back to prominence. I knew we could do better, so 7 years ago I began a vision quest for a better clinical solution to this daunting problem; the result is the multi-canalar negative pressure irrigation device we call PulpSucker.

Frustrated with NIH (“not invented here”) attitudes at the dental companies I approached, I called my friend Steve Paskin–formerly the President of SybronEndo (mfr of my SystemB Obturation System)–and asked if he would be interested helping me commercialize the PS System. He not only said “Yes”, but suggested we include Romeo Caicedo–former head of international sales at SybronEndo, delivering a grand slam we decided to call PlanB Dental.

As the first designer of a system-based approach to RCT, I’m proud to say that PlanB Dental is not just an endodontic irrigation company–we have developed unique endodontic tools and techniques from access to obturation, allowing us to make a company commitment to the promotion of minimally-invasive Endodontics. Toward this end, we have integrated PulpSucker irrigation with a remarkable new system of rotary files we call miniKUT, because minimizing loss of structural integrity is the only way to ensure endodontically-treated teeth outlive their owners. I am proud to say that miniKUT Files cut the smallest preparations in the biz, while our PS System simultaneously cleans all canals in a tooth in less than 5 minutes of clinician’s hands-on time.

PlanB Dental is headquartered in Goleta, California, next door to Santa Barbara where I continue to practice and teach The Art of Endodontics at my hands-on training academy.  Join us for the next revolution in endodontics!

See you at the apex,


Steve Paskin



Steve Paskin here.

Thanks for visiting us today.

I’m thrilled you decided to check out PlanB Dental.  Steve, Romeo, and I founded this company after decades of us individually working with and/or for conventional dental product companies. I logged time as a VP of Marketing and ultimately President of Kerr Dental, and was part of the team that launched SybronEndo back in 2000. As the chief architect of the effort, we stitched together Analytic Technology (System B), Tycom (Quantec), EIE (Microsurgery), and original Kerr Endo (the K in K File) into a single dedicated endodontic enterprise.  Those were fun days.  

It was also a time when my friendship with both Steve and Romeo began. With Steve, we took the SystemB to another level and developed Elements Obturation.  Of all the clinicians I’ve had the pleasure of working with on Product Development and Education (been many), Steve has few peers. A clinical Master and forward thinking Innovator and Educator, Steve has big time game. And so does Romeo. Romeo launched SybronEndo in Europe and took it from literally nothing in sales to a relevant position in the market.  He cultivated a terrific dealer network and premier thought-leader panel. Back then, SybronEndo was something.

Flash forward to today. I believe it’s an ideal time to start something new.  I believe the best dental products are developed in close cooperation with a diverse panel of clinicians. Innovation in dental is created at the chair, not just the lab. The PlanB promise will be to only launch products that pass a robust clinical and science review by a varied group of clinicians. From everyday clinicians, to researchers, to educators, we’re not pushed by corporate timelines. We’ll do our best to ensure your success.

I’m the luckiest guy I know—I get to start this company with some friends and live in Huntington Beach, CA with Shannon (best friend and partner of 38 years) with my kids (Michael, Kendall, JJ – son-in-law, and Jack the best grandson) all nearby. How great is that? To add to the fun, I’ll be spending lots of time in Santa Barbara as our office in Goleta is down the road. One thing’s for sure, this isn’t going to be dull.

Hope to see you soon.




Romeo Caicedo


Hi Everyone, Romeo here.

I sure am ready to put recent life challenges in the rear-view mirror and start looking forward to some exciting times to come.

I cannot begin to explain how passionate I am to launch our new dental platform. After spending 20 years with big corporate groups, I knew it was time for PlanB!

To me, PlanB means all the above—beginning -from removing ourselves from our structured comfort zone, to impacting the dental industry with products that not only improve patient care, but positively impact costs for everyone.  WOW!  This sounds like a big promise. PlanB is the same few guys that introduced great Endo products in the past, we just do it today without the costly overhead, or glutinous executive boards.  No more middle guys, it is just you and me.   

My partners need no introduction, Steve and Steve are leaders in the industry.  As a team we divide and manage different arenas of the business while maintaining our personal commitment to everyone.  

If you need us, simply reach out, we are here for you!

As we all know support is key to everything, but nothing is possible without family! A big thank you to my beautiful and patient wife Camila, and my 2 sons Matias and Benjamin for believing in me and this new chapter in our lives.  



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