Hi, Steve Buchanan here.
I have been fortunate enough during my four decade career in Endodontics to have been involved in the development of rotary negotiation instruments, single-file rotary shaping instruments, and the Continuous Wave of Condensation obturation method with SystemB electric heat pluggers. As difficult as these advances were, cleaning root canal systems has always been the most challenging leg of the endodontic triad, and it remains the final frontier in conventional endodontics to this day.
Sadly, the consolidation of specialized endodontic companies into big corporations has left clinicians doing RCT with one of three inadequate choices: irrigate canals for 40 minutes after preparation is completed, use caustic CaOH paste in multiple-visit RCT, or incur huge capital costs for high-tech consoles to clean canals well enough to bring single-visit endodontics back to prominence. I knew we could do better, so 7 years ago I began a vision quest for a better clinical solution to this daunting problem; the result is the multi-canalar negative pressure irrigation device we call PulpSucker.
Frustrated with NIH (“not invented here”) attitudes at the dental companies I approached, I called my friend Steve Paskin–formerly the President of SybronEndo (mfr of my SystemB Obturation System)–and asked if he would be interested helping me commercialize the PS System. He not only said “Yes”, but suggested we include Romeo Caicedo–former head of international sales at SybronEndo, delivering a grand slam we decided to call PlanB Dental.
As the first designer of a system-based approach to RCT, I’m proud to say that PlanB Dental is not just an endodontic irrigation company–we have developed unique endodontic tools and techniques from access to obturation, allowing us to make a company commitment to the promotion of minimally-invasive Endodontics. Toward this end, we have integrated PulpSucker irrigation with a remarkable new system of rotary files we call miniKUT, because minimizing loss of structural integrity is the only way to ensure endodontically-treated teeth outlive their owners. I am proud to say that miniKUT Files cut the smallest preparations in the biz, while our PS System simultaneously cleans all canals in a tooth in less than 5 minutes of clinician’s hands-on time.
PlanB Dental is headquartered in Goleta, California, next door to Santa Barbara where I continue to practice and teach The Art of Endodontics at my hands-on training academy. Join us for the next revolution in endodontics!
See you at the apex,