
TrueJaw W/ Calcified Canal


TrueJaw – EndoSurg with Calcified Canals models feature the same lesion profile as the standard TrueJaw but with midroot calcification. These models have authentic periradicular lesions associated with five teeth in the maxillary and eight teeth in mandibular jaws. Five lesions in the maxillary (#3, #6, #9, #12, #14) perforate and two lesions lie hidden behind the buccal cortex. Eight lesions in the mandibular (#19, #20, #21, #23, #24, #27, #29, #30) where seven have an open apex.

#3: Lesion is under the sinus

#6: Lesion perforates the Buccal Cortex

#9: Lesion perforates the Buccal Cortex perfect for retro grade instrumentation practice

#12: Lesion perforates the Buccal Cortex

#14: Typical lesion

#19: No perforation, lesion at each root end

#20: Non-surgical open apex, best treated with bio-ceramic

#21: Lesion not too far from the Mental Foramen

#23: Single canal, best treated with retrograde instrumentation and filling the entire canal

#24: Two canals, best treated with retrograde instrumentation and filling the entire canal

#27: Typical lesion

#29: Close to the Mental Foramen

#30: Two separate lesions for each root


Learn more

TrueJaw 3D printed replicas are true reproductions of human jaw anatomy.  TrueJaw models have life-like structure, texture, and performance, providing a fully authentic experience of working with real human anatomy–not possible with antiquated plastic models or pig jaws.  Each TrueJaw model is radio-opaque for accurate 2D and 3D CBCT imaging and is designed with TrueTooth 3D printed teeth–true reproductions of internal and external anatomy of extracted teeth.


Master a full range of educational objectives from endodontic treatment to surgical procedures by repetitive hands-on practice on the controlled anatomy of TrueJaw.  The soft gingiva of TrueJaw can be incised, reflected, and sutured; simulated cortical, trabecular, and medullary bone and elastic periodontal ligaments provide a realistic extraction experience, while lamina dura is present in the remaining root sockets.  Proudly 3D printed in the USA.



TrueJaw – Endosurg is available in Maxilla, Mandible, or a Complete Set.

Base Plates

TrueJaw – EndoSurg is available with base plates for use in an articulator or phantom head, or can be hand-held during use.

If ordering with base plates, please provide articulator brand and model in notes at checkout.

Frequently Purchased Together

TrueJaw Extraction Maxilla


TrueTooth - Pre-Molar

Tooth numbers: 4, 5, 12, 13, 20, 21, 28, 29

TrueTooth - Anterior

Tooth numbers: 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27  

TrueJaw Endo Surgery


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