
miniKUT Retreatment Endodontic Files

(Pack of 3)


Qty of packs discount:

20-49 10%

50-99 15%

100> 20%


The miniKUT Retreatment Endodontic Files embodies the convergence of advanced machining and heat treatment technologies. Unique in its flexibility, sharpness, and resistance to cyclic fatigue, the miniKUT RT endo files are designed to quickly remove gutta percha by spinning at high rpms (1000+). Available in 3 pack refills, choose from 2 tapers (.06, .08), 2 tip sizes (20, 25), and 2 lengths (21mm, 25mm). Stoppers and 1 handle band are color coded to designate taper, the 2nd handle band designates tip.

PlanB Dental Catalog

Check out Steve’s quick read article on MIE today:

Dr. Buchanan’s Article

miniKUT Comparison Chart:

miniKUT Comparison Chart

miniKUT Technique Card:

miniKUT Technique Card

Included in the Kit

3 miniKUT files


ISO Tip size: 20, 25

Taper: .06 & .08

Stopper/1st Band Color: Blue & Black

Length: 21mm & 25mm

Smart Pilot Tip

Handle: Gold Plated Brass

Instructions For Use

Frequently Purchased Together

miniKUT Paper Points


Gutta Percha Removal Instrument


miniKUT Rotary Endodontic Shaping Files


EndoCowboy Kit


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