
miniKUT Paper Points

(Pack of 100)


miniKUT Paper Points are designed to perfectly match the canals prepared with miniKUT Files. miniKUT Paper Points offer high solidity and absorbency for precise usage. Laser inspected for Tip and Taper accuracy. Available in 2 tapers (.03, .05) and 7 tip sizes (15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45). miniKUT Paper Points are color coded according to ISO tip sizes with vivid length markings calibrated at 16mm, 18mm, 19mm, 20mm, 22mm, and 24mm. Pre-Sterilized in packs of 200.

PlanB Dental Catalog

Check out Steve’s quick read article on MIE today:

Dr. Buchanan’s Article

Included in the Pack

200 Points


Color coded ISO Tip size: 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, & 45

Taper: .03 & .05

Vivid length markings calibrated at 16mm, 18mm, 19mm, 20mm, 22mm, and 24mm.


Frequently Purchased Together

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