Case 1
In this case, after coronal opening, the orifices were explored with K files, 08 and 10 C-Pilot (VDW), subsequently using 17 mm 15/05 files (BlackJack, PlanB). This particular file was very easy to negotiate as an MB2 conduit, which was clinically atresic. miniKUT 20/03 files (PlanB) were then used along the entire length of the canal, in the sequence miniKUT 25/03 and 30/03. The 30/03 gutta percha cones were fitted with Ah-Plus filling cement.
Case 2
In this case, after coronal opening, the orifices were explored with k files, 08 and 10 C-Pilot (VDW), subsequently using 17 mm 15/05 files (BlackJack, Plan B). The fact that the files were 17 mm made the work easier, as it was a third molar of an elderly patient (85 years old), with limited mouth opening. miniKUT 20/03 files (PlanB) were then used along the entire length of the canal, followed by miniKUT 25/03 and 30/03. The 30/03 gutta percha cones were fitted and Ah-Plus filling cement.
Case 3
In this case, after coronal opening, taking advantage of the cavity of the carious lesion from the distal side, the orifices were located and explored with K files, C-pilot (VDW) and subsequently pre-curved with a 17 mm 15/05 file (BlackJack, PlanB) to negotiate the vestibular canals that bifurcated at the end of the middle third of the root. The miniKUT 20/03 file (PlanB) was taken to working length and finished with 30/03 files (Bassi-Easy).
Case 4
This particular case was referred to me where the entrance of the distal canal was obstructed with resin during the temporary restoration. On the initial X-ray, extreme atresia of the canals was already noticeable. PlanB miniKUT BlackJack (15/05) was decisive in overcoming this anatomical difficulty .