Case 7:
Patency with # 10 K File, Sequence: miniKUT EZP 15/03, miniKUT Shaping 20/03 and 25/03 for all canals plus miniKUT Shaping 30/03 in the Buccal Canals and miniKUT Shaping 35/03 in the Palatal for final shape.
Case 6:
Irreversible Pulpitis. All canals were instrumented with miniKUT EZP 15/03 and finished with miniKUT Shaping 30/03.
Case 5:
Glide Path: #8 and 10 K Files. Sequence: miniKUT EZP 15/03 finished with a miniKUT Shaping 35/05 in the Palatal, and miniKUT Shaping 35/03 in the Buccals.
Case 4:
Irreversible pulpitis. Glidepath: # 8 K File. Sequence: miniKUT EZP 15/03 – miniKUT Shaping 35/03. Irrigation: PUI. Obturation: Bioceramic Sealer. Root Canal treatment was performed in a single session
Case 3:
Manual files #8 and #10 for vestibular canals. miniKUT EZP 15/.03, miniKUT Shaping 25/.03, and 30/.03 for MB and DB. For Palatal canal; minKUT 15/.03, 25/.03, 30/.03 and 35/.03. For MB2; miniKUT BlackJack 15/.05 and miniKUT EZP 15/.03.
Case 2:
Manual files size 8 & 10 used, followed by miniKUT EZP 15/.03 and finished with miniKUT 25/.03
Case 1:
Manual files size 15 & 20 used, followed by miniKUT EZP 15/.03 and finished with a miniKUT 25/.05.